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--> Teva 革新が、今、確信になる

Beyond Her Comfort Zone【電子書籍】[ Charlotte Vannora ]


<p>This is an adult story of an explicit sexual nature for mature readers 18 and older.</p> <p>Kerry and Rick vacation at a tropical resort, and Kerry decides this is the time and place to open up sexually as Rick has wanted. She’s nervous because this is out of her comfort zone, but knows she’s been too guarded and that Rick deserves better. It’s time to stop being a good girl. So she arranges the perfect masturbation scene in the bedroom of their suite. With candles, music and sexy lingerie, she times her performance so she’s past the point of no return when she expects him to walk in.</p> <p>Rick is surprised and excited that Kerry has done this for him, but afterward Kerry learns that her boyfriend wasn’t the only man in the room. Rick thinks she got brave and set up her solo performance to kick off a threesome. Kerry doesn’t know the visitor, but can’t quite tell Rick, who leaves open the possibility that he’s the one who brought in this other man.</p> <p>The visitor seems decent, and because he watched her perform nearly naked for ten minutes, Kerry is past embarrassment. Emboldened by her masturbation scene, she decides to go with the flow. The threesome turns out to be fun and successful, and Kerry knocks down another barrier.</p> <p>Afterward, Kerry carefully tells Rick she doesn’t know who the other guy is. Then the visitor explains how he got a card key to their room because of a mix-up at the front desk. Because Rick and the visitor have almost identical names, the desk clerk got confused and thought the other man had already checked in. Kerry would be upset by this turn of events if their unexpected visitor hadn’t been such a good lover and helped her and Rick with their sexual experiment.</p> <p>Later, when Kerry and Rick are alone in bed, Rick wonders if they could move on to a threesome with a woman, Kerry’s hot friend Nora. Because of Rick’s interest in Nora, Kerry confesses that she and Nora have already shared a brief sexual moment and that Nora virtually scripted her masturbation scene. Kerry also warns him that Nora will try to take charge. When Rick has second thoughts about Nora, Kerry says if they have a threesome with a woman, her sexy friend has to be the one.</p> <p>After her day of sexual breakthroughs, Kerry feels courageous and now wants the threesome with Nora filmed. Kerry also takes delight in describing some of the kinky things she and her friend would do to Rick.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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